Memories, Observations, and Occasional Rants

From Growing up on the Farm in Missouri to Growing Old in Silicon Valley

Horse Drawn Sickle Mower

A Trip to Amish Country

Down a wooded slope, across a stream, and back up into a shining memory

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How I Was Lured To Bass Pro

How I Was Lured to Bass Pro

Actually, more like ‘hooked.’ A true moment of serendipity, my first career leap

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How I Know Pigs Think

How I Know Pigs Think

Sure … scholarly studies of porcine intelligence abound. But I have direct evidence – and no doubt.

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Career Serendipity

Career Serendipity

I’ve skipped across the river of work life, from one stepping stone to another

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Illustration of man looking longingly at a thought bubble containing a big fish

All I Needed to Know About Writing Advertising Copy

It was just seven words. But it was all I needed for a lifetime of discipline – and anecdotes.

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Picture of the author with a young skunk drinking from a doll's baby bottle

A Boy and His Skunk

Yes, that’s me, age 14. No, that’s not a kitten or even a puppy. That’s a skunk.

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